"We will blow your farmin' mind!"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lucky Duck Farm...it is not a matter of if, but when...and when is soon...

I love how these sunflowers seem to be standing guard out at Spirit Reins, just waiting for Lucky Duck Farm to show its beautiful self.

So it seems, since my last post was in July, that my life has gotten in the way of my dream or something like that. I have had too much time to spend on the farm plan, so it has been on hold, or maybe I should say, I have taken a few steps back to re-evaluate my plan. This is good because going blindly forward without real direction or a good farm business plan, would not have been good.

So when it came down to starting to actually spend money doing things to get set up, I realized quickly I needed to slow down the process a bit and put things in perspective. Although, there is a huge part of me that wanted to plant SOMETHING in October, it just was and is not time for that YET.

Lucky Duck Farm lives inside my heart and, at times, takes over my thoughts, however, I have a whole lot of other things going on around me that have needed attention. So it is a matter of WHEN - not IF, for Lucky Duck.

I hope to have a rough plan in place January 2011 and will begin the real process of planning out not only the farm itself, but the "business" of the farm...what will we be doing here, in the big picture.

"Teach. Grow. Give." I believe says it all.

And, of course, "We will blow your farmin' mind" because that will look awesome on a t-shirt and afterall, we have to have a cool t-shirt.

Stay tuned for more info in the coming months...keep Lucky Duck Farm in your heart and mind you will be hearing much more about us soon.

Peace, love & light,
Tammy Stanley
head Lucky Duck

{Lucky Duck Farm}